Noah Pierce
Below you can find a portfolio of different Software Engineering, Web Development, and Data Engineering projects I have worked on. This website was coded using React and Tailwind.css.
Skills & Technologies
The following are a list of skills and techologies I am proficient in:
Projects I Have Created
Below are examples of my experience with Data Science, Web Development, and Software Engineering:
In order to interact with a project, please click on the image.

Exploration of Mental Health Dynamics in a Generated Dataset.
Analysis of the Synthea FHIR Dataset Using Big Query, Looker, and PySpark
This project leverages the Synthea FHIR dataset to analyze mental health trends, create visualizations, and develop a web application using modern cloud and data processing tools. Please click the title above to access the Looker dashboard.
Utilizing React, Express, Cognito, and Postgres in an Event-Driven Architecture to Secure Access.
Enterprise Protected Infrastructure Sample
This project serves as a foundational example of an architecture that can be expanded upon to create large-scale enterprise applications. It is designed with scalability, maintainability, and extensibility in mind, utilizing a set of modern technologies and AWS services to provide a robust, scalable, and event-driven environment. Please click the title above to access the website.

Utilizing SQLAlchemy, SQLite, and Python to find data on movies.
Movie Store ORM
This program has several functions that query a SQLite database through SQLAlchemy CRM. To test them, just press the play button.

A engine to find your closest Chipotle.
Chipotle Finder
This program will take the latitude and longitude from the user and will search through a database to find the closest Chipotle.

Create a Binary Search Tree out of Roman Numerals.
Roman Numeral BST
This program generates a random list of Roman Numerals, adds them to a Binary Search Tree, and then prints that BST. (This may be hard to see without a full screen view).

Use BeautifulSoup to find the stocks in both the NASDAQ and S&P 500.
NASDAQ S&P 500 Finder
This program utilizes BeautifulSoup to scrape the NASDAQ website and the S&P500 wikipedia page. Then it returns the companies those two have in common.
A migration that utilized Python to wrangle and move data from an Access database to a cloud-based MySQL database.
Database Migration
Please see the source code to see how it was performed. The public version of this script is not functional.

A script utilizing Python and the Trello API to disperse assignments.
Trello Dispersion Script
Please see the source code to see how it was performed. The public version of this script is not functional.

Utilizing the PokeDex API and Python Requests to find all Pokemon of a given type
Pokedex Program
This program takes a type from the user and searches through an online database to find all pokemon who match that type. Click play to try it out.

A website to keep track of your NBA fantasy lineup.
NBA Lineup Website
This website that can take and store input. Click the play button below to add your own player. You will need to add an image link :)
Classes I Have Taught
Each of these is a Alfred State Computer Information Systems class. For more information on the Alfred State Computer Information Systems, please visit this link here.
CISY 4003
This course covers the fundamentals of data structures and software modeling. Topics include: modern IDE for software development and code version management systems, design and development of reusable software, software modeling (class diagram, use case, CRC card), introduction to analysis of algorithms (order notation), abstract properties, implementation and use of stacks, queues, linked lists, binary trees, binary search trees, and recursion and efficiency of recursive solutions. Additional focus will be given to range of searching (sequential, binary), selecting (min, max, median) and sorting algorithms (quicksort, merge sort, heap sort) and their time and space efficiencies. Software quality assurance (pre and post conditions, program testing), team development of software applications, and professional responsibilities and liabilities associated with software development will be discussed.
CISY 3223
An introductory course in web page development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Also included will be various software packages that automate the web page design process. These may include Dreamweaver, Sublime, Bootstrap, and others. This course is suitable for anyone who would like to create simple, but useful web pages. Topics include: the internet, tables, frames, forms, scripting language(s), and multi-media.
CISY 5813
This is an introductory course in the emerging field of cloud computing technologies. This course is the first course in a two course sequence which provides the student with a foundation and survey of the many new emerging cloud computing tools being used to recreate the internet. Topics will include SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, & IDaaS, Data Storage, Collaboration, Securing, and Disaster Recovery in the cloud. This course will be using industry leading cloud services and cloud datacenter technologies. A variety of cloud service provider's products and platforms will be explored through appropriate hands-on labs.
CISY 4063
This course covers the fundamental concepts underlying all business information systems including security. Emphasis is on a structured process in the design of computer-based information systems. Current tools and techniques are applied to a case study project.
CISY 2153
A comprehensive exposure to the use of database software concepts, capabilities and application; focusing on relational database techniques, SQL, normalization, database programming and developing application systems. A final/comprehensive project will be required.
CISY 4033
This is an introductory course in networking with a survey and evaluation of network media, access methods, topologies, and terminology. Topics will include end user perspective, network cabling, hardware and software protocols, internetworking, network operating systems, and system administration. Included will be basic server installation, configuration, and management. A variety of workstation and server operating systems will be explored through extensive hands-on labs with an emphasis on network security.
CISY 2133
This course covers the fundamentals of algorithms and object oriented software development. Topics include: modern IDE for software development, primitive and reference data types, encapsulation, information hiding, selection, iteration, functions/methods, parameters, recursion, exception handling, generic linear data structures (arrays, records/structs) and maps, file types, file I/O, simple GUIs with event handling, programming to an interface, lambda expressions, semantics of inheritance and use of polymorphism, relation with subtyping, search (sequential, binary), select (min, max), and sort (bubble, insertion, selection) algorithms, complexity notation, documentation using standard tools, program testing (unit testing) and debugging, reasoning about control flow in a program, and societal impacts related to computing and software.
CISY 2143
This course provides an exposure to computer operating systems and hardware. Topics include hardware, troubleshooting, operating system commands, system utilities, memory managers, graphical user interface (GUI) software and computer security.
CISY 1023
This is an introductory course in information technology and computer applications. The course focuses on computer concepts and technology emphasizing secure file and memory management within various operating systems. The course also covers operating system commands, spreadsheets, databases, web tools and other applications used in business and scientific environments.